Keeping Clients Safe From Germs in the Salon
Keeping Clients Safe From Germs in the Salon
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Keeping Clients Safe From Germs in the Salon
Keeping Clients Safe From Germs in the Salon

Clients may hear horror stories about infections resulting from nail salon visits, making them reluctant to receive services. To ensure your clients’ loyalty, it’s important to give them a sense of confidence in the cleanliness of your salon. You can build that confidence by discussing your disinfection practices with them and assuring them that you have been educated and have their safety in mind. Make your expertise visible by displaying certifications and providing handouts.

Where are germs found in the salon and how can you avoid them?
Germs can be found in many areas of the salon, and it’s important to establish a disinfection routine to prevent bacteria from growing. Some products, such as Rejuvenate™ disinfectants, have a quick contact time and are available in both liquid and wipe formulations, making it fast and easy to keep up a thorough disinfection routine. Surfaces in the salon such as door handles, telephones, keyboards, nail tables, and faucet handles can harbor germs, so they should be wiped down with disinfecting wipes. Seating surfaces should be wiped down with a disinfectant. Don’t forget to wash your hands with soap and water between clients as well.

Proper disinfection of pedicure thrones and basins is particularly crucial. Nail techs should be aware of the correct procedures for the type of pedicure throne in their salon. To banish bacteria and fungi from the jetted, recirculating-style units, clean with soap and water before disinfecting. The screens must be removed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and interior portions cleaned before rinsing and refilling with a disinfecting solution. The disinfecting solution should be recirculated for the contact time specified by the disinfectant manufacturer. For non-circulating types, clean with soap and water, then use disinfectant liquid or wipes for the recommended contact time. 

Reusable implements, such as nail clippers, metal nail files, and cuticle pushers should be pre-cleaned with soap and water, then disinfected according to state laws.

How to show your clients that you put their safety first
Marketing yourself as a safe, clean salon can boost your business and give your clients confidence. It’s a good idea to start a conversation with your clients about cleanliness. Clients who are already concerned about this topic will be reassured, and clients who are used to sub-standard conditions will learn why your salon is different and safer. Educating clients on the correct procedures will help set your salon apart.

Providing handouts and signage is a great way to make your salon’s investment in safety visible to clients. Online education is available to help you increase your knowledge about proper disinfection. Some programs offer a certificate of completion to certify that nail techs have finished the course. Prominently displaying such a certificate will remind your clients that you are qualified and care about their safety.

Get your certification today by taking the free 45-minute online educational module by Rejuvenate™ disinfectants and display it proudly in your salon.

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